the view from my homestay house in Anjozoro, I lived there for 4 weeks |
Me and my neighbor and friend's homestay brother, Mathieu...possibly the cutest child on earth |
My homestay mom and dad (Neniko and Dadiko) |
My stage at the end of our Earth Day celebration in Mantasoa....yes, we painted the map, as well as planted some trees, picked up lots of trash |
I stole this picture, it's of the west side (I think...) of Andringitra...I should have a pretty decent view of these rock formations from my veranda...(hopefully) |
A sweet map I found of the tiny village is situated in the southeast corner (Morarano).... |
You are a rock star! Proud of you for following your heart and doing great things for this world. Love the photos - keep 'em coming!